CAPTAIN strategic project is financed under Priority Axis 3 “Accessibility and Networks” of the IPA Cross Border Programme 2007-2014. The general objective of CAPTAIN strategic project is that of the capitalization of transports’ models in the network of the Adriatic – Ionian Area to support EUSAIR development.

CAPTAIN aims to improve the accessibility and the mobility across the AI Area through the integration of ports with hinterland and transport networks for passengers and freight, the harmonization of services for passengers with special needs in the Port system and the development of sustainable, safe, crossborder and integrated transport services and the improvement of the related physical infrastructures.

These goals will be reached through the capitalization of the following projects: EASEAWAY, Adrimob and AdriaticMoS.

The specific objectives of the project are:

1. to promote analysis and feasibility studies for the implementation of actions of EUSAIR Pillar 2;

2. to create synergies among EA SEA-WAY, Adrimob, AdriaticMoS projects and their partners to develop a broader network of main transport actors and to transfer best practices;

3. to develop exchanges and synergies through tools, best practices and models implemented in EA SEA-WAY, Adrimob, AdriaticMoS;

4. to increase the impact of EA SEA-WAY, Adrimob, AdriaticMoS on regional/national policies in the AI Area to guarantee coordination of interventions to overcome bottlenecks and missing links in passenger and freight transport.

To make feasible transferability and dissemination towards AI Area and beyond Activities will be developed in seven Countries (Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina) by a multi-skilled partnership composed by regional authorities competent in transport policies, relevant public bodies, research and operational bodies, ports and Universities.

The regional Central Directorate for Infrastructure and Territory, coordinator/ Lead partner of the project, is developing and sustaining the establishment of an observatory on passenger transport on AI Area and its synergic connection with MEDNET Port Operations Observatory for the fine-tuning and adaptation of main strategic results and the development of Motorways of the Sea to improve the sustainable mobility in AI Area.

Additional information and project outputs description are available on the project website
