The SEA process applied to the ERDF OP 2014-2020

The SEA process applied to the ERDF OP 2014-2020
State of the art


The SEA process applied to the ERDF OP 2014-2020
The process of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), referred to in the European directive 2001/42/CE and in the Legislative Decree 152/2006, applies also to the programmes co-financed by the Structural and European investment funds (Regulation (EU) 1303/2013) and it is the instrument by which the principle of sustainable development is implemented.
The SEA of the ERDF OP 2014-2020 has been launched with the Deliberation of the Regional Council n. 116 of 24th January 2014:
The Deliberation n. 116/2014 identifies:  
➢  the applicant Authority or proposing entity in the Community funds management service of the Central Management for finances, heritage, coordination and economic and community policies programming, which is also the Programming and managing authority of the ERDF OP 2014-2020; the Environmental authority (Deliberation n. 678/2013) supports the applicant Authority through all stages of the SEA process, being responsible for the implementation of the sustainability principle; 
➢  the competent Authority in the Regional Council with the technical support of the Environmental assessments service of the Central management for environment and Energy; 
➢  the competent Entities on environmental issues

The SEA of the ERDF OP 2014-2020 is structured in the following stages outlined by Deliberation of the Regional Council n. 116 of 24th January 2014: 
1.  Preliminary activities: all the main elements of the process are identified and assessed, among which the opportunity to start the transnational consultation with the neighbouring States.
2.  Guidelines and scoping: the preliminary environmental Report (scoping document) and the document containing the guidelines of the Operational programme subject to SEA are prepared and the competent Authority and Entities on environmental issues are summoned to define the level of detail of the environmental Report. 
3.  Preparation of SEA documents: preparation and adoption by the Regional Council of the proposal of Operational programme, the environmental Report and the non-technical summary.
4.  Launch of SEA and consultations: the notice on the Regional Official Gazette is published to start the public consultation in accordance with art. 14 of the Legislative decree 152/2006. Anyone can access and submit their comments. The competent Authority and Entities on environmental issues are summoned. At the same time, the beginning of consultation is notified, together with the related documents, to the interested transnational States. 
5.  Preliminary examination and expression of SEA reasoned opinion: the comments and opinions are examined and the proposal of reasoned opinion is prepared to be submitted to the Regional Council. The Council expresses its reasoned opinion referred to at subparagraph 1 of art. 15 of the Legislative Decree 152/2006. 
6.  Transmission of the Operational programme to European Commission for approval: any possible review of the Operational programme and of the Environmental report is arranged, taking into account the observations obtained from the SEA process and those expressed by the European Commission. 
7.  Information on the decision: the Synthesis Report is prepared and sent to the European Commission and to the competent Authority, together with the Operational programme and the Environmental report, possibly reviewed. The final approval decision is also published by the European Commission.  
8.  Monitoring: during the whole implementation phase of the Programme, the monitoring of environmental aspects, of the results and of possible corrective measures are ensured.


State of the art
The process started on 24th January 2014 with the launch of the scoping phase and the consultation with the competent Authority, the Entities competent on environmental issues and the Environmental authority. 
The Regional Council has adopted the Environmental report, the non-technical summary and the Plan, which have all been open to consultation for the public and the competent entities on environmental issues with the publication of the notification on the Regional Official Gazette n. 29 of 16th July 2014. The public consultation closed on 15th September 2014 and the preliminary examination of observations and opinions received has started. The Regional Council, with Deliberation n. 2203 of 29th November 2014, has expressed the reasoned opinion referred to at subparagraph 1 of art. 15 of the Legislative Decree 152/2006.
The Operational programme and the Environmental report have been reviewed, taking into account the observations received from the SEA process and those from the European Commission, and on 14th July 2015 the European Commission has definitely approved the ERDF OP Friuli Venezia Giulia 2014-2020.
The documents (reasoned opinion by the competent Authority, synthesis report in accordance with articles 14 and 32 of the Legislative Decree 152/2006, monitoring measures according to art. 18 of the Legislative Decree 152/2006, Operational Programme approved and definitive Environmental report) are available on the Documents section, as well as at the offices set out below.

Central management for production activities, trade, cooperation, agricultural and forestry resources
Community Funds management service
Via Udine, 9 – TRIESTE
Central management for environment and agency   
Environmental assessments service
Via Giulia, 75/1 – TRIESTE
Central management for environment and agency   
Environmental authority for the ERDF OP 2014-2020
Via Giulia, 75/1 – TRIESTE
