The EU programming tool through which the Region finances projects to support regional economy.

The Regional Operative Program (ROP) ERDF, “Objective-Regional Competitiveness and Employment”, is a programming tool arranged by Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (after being approved by the European Commission with a legislative act). It aims at defining the fields of regional territorial development which will benefit from the financial help of European, national and regional structural funds from 2007 and 2013, within the social-economic framework of Europe (as provided by art. 158 and 159 of the Treaty).

Thanks to the opportunities of the Regional Operative Program, Friuli Venezia Giulia will be able to foster the implementation of several projects within a strategic development line aiming at underpinning regional economy in order to allow the territory to compete in both the national and international fields.

The ROP-ERDF is organized around six axis representing six strategic priorities.


The general goals of ROP ERDF 2007-2013 are promoting enterprises’ competitiveness (Axis 1), fostering environmental sustainability (Axis 2), developing transport and informatics services (Axis 3), favoring internal cohesion and the balanced territorial development (Axis 4) and promoting long term environmental sustainability of economic development and the use of renewable energy resources. (Axis 5).

The main developments compared to the previous program (former Objective 2) are as follows:
-    No areas of the Region excluded by benefits;
-    The whole regional territory can benefit from financial help;
-    A particular attention devoted to the development of small and medium enterprises, the environmental protection and the risk-prevention;
-    Promotion of the integrated urban development under an environmental perspective.

For the programming period 2007-2013, 303.001.323 € were initially allocated and distributed as follows:
Axis 1 - innovation, research, technological transfer and entrepreneurship 138.000000 € equal to 46% of the Program;
Axis 2 – environmental sustainability: 34.859.000 € equal to 11, 5% of the Program;
Axis 3 – accessibility: 40.000.000 € equal to 13% of the Program;
Axis 4 – territorial development: 40.000.000 € equal to 13% of the Program;
Axis 5 – Energy: 38.031.269 € equal to 12, 5% of the Program;
Axis 6 – technical assistance: 12.120.054 € equal to 4% of the Program.

The Regional Operative Program for Friuli Venezia Giulia was adopted by the European Commission on 20 November 2007 and last modified on November 2013:

Download the Regional Operative Program (2013) - C(2013) 8575 d.d. 29/11/2013

The EC acknowledgment C(2013)8575 modification of the Operative Program, adopted new financial plan and identify regional structures responsible.
DGR December 20, 2013, n. 2442 - The ordinary supplement no. 4 of 8 January 2014 to BUR n. 2 of 8 January 2014

Previous version of the Operative Program:

- Regional Operative Program (April 2013)
Change of ROP following the transfer of resources in favor of solidarity contribution to the areas affected by the earthquake of 20 May 2012. Acknowledgment of the European Commission Decision C (2013) 2463 of 29/04/2013 amending the POR FESR
DGR May 10, 2013, n. 831 published in the ordinary supplement n ° 1. 23 of 12 June 2013 to BUR n. 24 of June 12, 2013

- Regional Operative Program and Attachments (January 2010)
Updating and revision of the ROP with acknowledgment of the European Commission Decision C (2010) 5 of 04.01.2010 amending Decision C (2007) 5717 of 20.11.2007.
DGR January 14, 2010, n. 19 published in the ordinary supplement no. 4 of 27 January 2010 to BUR n. 4 of 27 January 2010.
